5 Step Routine to Reduce the Eyeglass Numbers and Improve the Vision

5 Step Routine to Reduce the Eyeglass Numbers and Improve the Vision

How to get rid of Glasses? How to improve Eyesight naturally? How to remove Specs permanently?

Do you wake up every morning looking for your eyeglasses? Are the glasses coming in the way of your confidence? Do you want to get rid of glasses and contact lenses forever? If your answer is a Yes, then keep reading. This article will discuss a 5 step plan for your holistic eye care. Each and every step is very simple and can be done at the comfort of your home, with day to day ingredients & without having to spend any exorbitant amount of money. The only catch is to do it for 21 days and you will start seeing a difference. Your eyeglass number will be reduced automatically and you can get it checked as well. Also those things that you were unable to see without spectacles, will be very clearly visible to you. 

Whether you are an adult or a child, whether you have nearsightedness or farsightedness, these steps can work for everyone. 

Step 1: Eye Exercises

You only need 10 mins for these exercises and you can do it anywhere whether in your room, park, balcony or anywhere else. Just remember to remove your spectacles or lenses before doing these exercises.

Exercise 1: Moving Your Eyeballs

The first exercise is to move your eyeballs up and down for 10 times. Look up as much as you can and then look down as much as possible. Repeat this for 10 times. Similarly move your eyes to extreme left and extreme right for 10 times each. Followed by this, move your eyes diagonally to the top left and bottom right corner, again for 10 times each and then repeat it in the opposite direction. Then rotate your eyes in the clockwise direction for 10 times followed by in the anticlockwise direction 10 times. 

Exercise 2: Eye Push Ups

Place your thumb on the topmost corner of your nose, exactly between both your eyes and then look at the topmost part of your nail. Slowly stretch your hand away from your nose, without losing focus. Once your thumb is stretched out to maximum focus on the background behind your thumb and then focus on the tip of the nail again. Slowly bring back your thumb towards your nose. Repeat this for 10 times. In the end do a palming activity which is  to rub both of your palms against each other to warm them up. Then place them on your eyes gently to give them rest.

Now the next obvious question would be, when to do this exercise. The best time to do it is in the morning right after your regular exercise. Your eyes also have muscles and without exercise, any muscles would get weakened over a period of time including your eyes. The  above mentioned steps will improve your eye muscles and  will also help you regain your lost eye strength.

Step 2: Sun Gazing

Sun gazing means, looking at the sun directly for approximately 5 mins. If you are someone who is wearing lenses or glasses, first remove them and then watch the sun. You have to look at the sun, just the way you are looking at the TV. If at all you feel the need to blink your eyes in between, it’s completely OK.  How long should you do Sun gazing? If you are just getting started with sungazing, you should start with just 1mn and slowly take it to 5 minutes. Now the next question would be, when should we do sungazing? Right time would be just 1 hr within the sunrise or just 1 hr before the sunset.  Never do sun gazing in the bright afternoon sun as it can be damaging to the eyes. During sun gazing, your eyes are absorbing the sunlight and getting healed. After sun gazing, sooth your eyes with palming activity , by rubbing both your palms against each other and softly placing them on your eyes. During this time, your eyes are absorbing all the effects of rays from sun gazing. Did you know that the Sun is the most powerful eye doctor gifted to us by mother nature? Our Vedas have an entire specially written section  on eyes called as Chakshu Upanishad and it mentions the Sun as the most powerful eye doctor. 

Step 3: Cucumber Eye Packs

Grate 1 cucumber and divide it into 2 equal parts. Lie down, close your eyes and place the grated cucumber on your eyes. Now let it stay for 15 mins and relax meanwhile.  When you apply these eye packs on your eyes, there are 2 temperatures maintained  in your head region. Your eyes become cold and the surrounding area becomes warm. Whenever there are 2 temperatures maintained in a single area, the blood circulation automatically increases. And wherever blood circulation increases, healing starts. Remove the cucumber eye pack after 15 mins, and you will see that  your eyes automatically feel very relaxed. In today’s day and age  wherein most of our time is spent working in front of the screens and  the kids are also studying online, it causes a lot of strain on our eyes and our eyes do not get the required  rest. In such a scenario, the cucumber eye packs are one of the easiest ways to give rest to our eyes. In case cucumber is not available, you can also use ash gourd, potato or bottle gourd for the same. 

Step 4: No Screen After 9 Pm

The moment we open our eyes in the morning, we check our messages. We spend our entire days on our laptops. And in the evening, we spend our time watching our favorite shows or movies. Whether it's work or entertainment, our eyes keep on moving from one screen to another. Today many studies have proven that the rays from these electronic gadgets directly burn and hurt our retina. So it is advisable to stop using any kind of screen whether TV, mobile or laptops after 9 pm  in the evening. This will not only give rest to our eyes, but also helps us sleep better. If you keep on staring at your screens all night, there is no way your eyes can heal. If you are working on laptops for long hours during the day, make sure that you take a break after every 30 mins of continuous screen usage and blink your eyes for 20 seconds. 

Step 5: Tratak Kriya

Tratak kriya is a yogic practice that sharpens both our eyes and our mind. To do the Tratak kriya, light a candle or clay lamp in a dark room and make sure it is exactly at your eye level and not above or below that, but exactly on the eye level. Make sure you are seated in a comfortable position with your back straight and gaze at the tip of the flame. You need to remove your glasses or contact lenses before starting this exercise. You can blink your eyes if you want to but try not to blink your eyes. You will see that your eyes get watery. But you don’t need to worry and also don’t try to remove those tears. It is through these tears that your eyes are getting cleared. Please make sure to not to touch or rub your eyes during sun gazing or tratak kriya. And you can end the tratak kriya with the palming process by rubbing both your palms against each other and gently placing them on your closed eyes. While doing the palming process with your closed eyes, you might be able to see a picture of the clay lamp or the candle. In that case, continue watching the same. You should do the Tratak kriya for 7 mins before going to sleep every night. You will be surprised to know that your eyesight is getting stronger day by day and the things you were unable to see without spectacles before, you will be able to see them pretty clearly. Make sure that the ACs, fans and curtains in your room are closed before starting the process, else the flame will never remain stable. Healing the eyes is just one benefit of Tratak kriya, but it also dramatically increases your concentration and focus.

 You might be wondering if is it possible to remove the eyeglass numbers so easily with such a simple routine? Well of course it is possible, because the damage starts with habits and not with our eyes. Till now we might not have realized the importance of exercising our eyes or giving them rest. But with this simple routine, your eyes will become exponentially better. You will be able to clearly read everything right from a book to a board at 20 feet distance and also drive comfortably at night. And after some time your eyeglass numbers can completely vanish. The results can be seen even faster for the kids with visible clarity and improvement in eyesight in a span as short as 15 days.

If you want to heal your eyes and improve your eyesight, then you need to reduce the usage of glasses and lenses. What you need to understand is, if you keep wearing them constantly, your eyes will grow dependent on them.  They will not even try to regain their lost power. If your eyeglass numbers are -3 or less then stop wearing glasses other than driving or while doing any important job. And if your eyeglass power is higher than -3 then you can gradually reduce the usage of eyeglasses.

Before that, there is one more secret for eyes that no eye doctor might have told you, which is that if your intestines are clear, your eyes will be automatically clear. Now you must be wondering how is it even possible? There is a wonderful book called Colon Health by Norman W Walker which clearly mentions how eyes can be cured miraculously with good gut health. In one more article on this blog, we will discuss the satvic diet that you can follow with these 5 practices for complete healing and then you will surely be able to bid goodbye to your spectacles or lenses.

I'm a passionate blogger who enjoys sharing my learnings and findings on wholesomeness. With Ayurvedic experts and consultants in my family, my purpose is to capture age-old home remedies and ancient wisdom for overall health and well-being and share them here, providing the modern generation with easy and free access to these insights and solutions.

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