Mango as Medicine – Health Benefits of Mango

Mango to control high blood pressure and iron deficiency

How to overcome iron deficiency in your body? How to regulate high blood pressure? What are the Health benefits of Mango?

“Having Mango as a part of your daily diet during the season can help control high blood pressure as well as overcome iron deficiency”

Mangoes are a rich source of nutrients and contain 25 types of carotenoids out of which Beta Carotene is found in maximum quantity. Mango pulp is highly nutritious and is a rich source of Iron and antioxidants. Iron found in mangoes is essential for healthy red blood cells. Mangoes are known for their properties to control high blood pressure and irregular heart beats. 

I'm a passionate blogger who enjoys sharing my learnings and findings on wholesomeness. With Ayurvedic experts and consultants in my family, my purpose is to capture age-old home remedies and ancient wisdom for overall health and well-being and share them here, providing the modern generation with easy and free access to these insights and solutions.

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