Jamun - A Natural Medicine for Diabetes

Jamun Diabetes Benefits

How to cure diabetes naturally? What helps to reduce symptoms of diabetes? How to control blood sugar levels?

Consuming Indian blackberry (Jamun) pulp and seeds in powder form can help control diabetes to a great extent.

Indian Blackberry (also known as Jamun or Java Plum) can be consumed according to the season in following ways to help regulate blood sugar levels.

  1. The juice from the Indian Blackberry pulp can be drunk twice a day to reduce the blood sugar levels.

  2. The seeds from the fruit should be dried and crushed into a fine powder. The dried seed powder of Indian Blackberry fruit can be consumed half tablespoon twice a day for relief from diabetes. 

As a health-conscious individual, I enjoy starting my day with Surya Namaskar and end it with a good book. I enjoy exploring trendy & traditional practices to find balance in my life, and share my favorite tips on this blog based on personal experience and research. Please note that while my tips can be helpful, they are not a substitute for professional advice. If you have concerns, please consult a professional.

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