Learn how to Detox your Body In 3 Simple Steps

3 ways to Body Detox - Fast, Enema & Wet Pack

In this article, we will discuss in detail as to how we can flush out toxins from our body. As the toxins start getting removed from the body, one automatically loses weight, has clearer skin, gets more mental clarity and automatically feels much more energetic.

First of all, it is important to know, as to what happens when we eat something? The food first enters the stomach, followed by the intestine where it breaks down and then is excreted out from the body. But all the food does not take the same amount of time to get defecated from the body. 

Food Fruits Vegetables Grains & Pulses
Total Time for digestion 3 hrs 6 hrs 18 hrs
in Stomach 1 hr 2 hrs 6 hrs
in Small Intestine 1 hr 2 hrs 6 hrs
in Large Intestine 1 hr 2 hrs 6 hrs

This is a rough estimate for our understanding. But the general rule of thumb says, less the water quantity in the food, the more time it takes to eliminate it from the body. So as we can see here, grains take up to 18 hrs to get digested. But most of us are consuming grains and pulses for up to 4 meals. So even before the previous meal is digested, we have given our stomach a new lot and extra load to digest. As a result, the last meal remains undigested. It then rots, ferments and decays inside and then generates viruses, fungus and worms. We all have heard stories of typical worms being found in human intestines. It's not that those people have eaten worms by any chance. Then how is it that those worms reached there? They are formed as a result of that undigested food in the body which is rotting for a long time. You must have heard, “ You are what you eat”. But, the truth is “ You are what you ate.” Who knows, the burger that you ate last year is still rotting in your stomach. It is very difficult for us to digest things like bread, cheese, snacks, tea, coffee, biscuits, fries or that every single thing that we don’t get directly from mother nature. They get stuck on the walls of our intestines and create a thick wall. There are millions of small finger-like projections on the wall of our intestine and they are called villi. Villi absorbs whatever is present on the surface of the intestine and sends it to different parts of our body through the bloodstream. It is very obvious that, if the walls of the intestine have dirt and toxins accumulate, the villi is going to transport the same thing to our body organs, thus disturbing their normal functioning. This is what we identify as disease. If this dirt gets accumulated on our skin, we call it acne, eczema, psoriasis. If it is found in our kidneys in the form of small stone-like structures, we call them kidney stones. The same applies for obesity. If we want to lose weight, we need to get rid of these toxins and dirt. Similarly , if the heart needs to apply more pressure to pump the blood, it is called High Blood Pressure. There are also cases where it forms a cyst on the ovaries and it is called PCOs. It is stuck in our intestine, we call it constipation. It is very widely known that as per Ayurveda, gut health is responsible for many diseases. If it is stuck in our airways, making it difficult for us to breathe, we call it Asthma. The same waste if choking our arteries, we call it Asthma. We might neglect the disease today, thinking it is very small, but if the waste is not treated and removed on time, it can lead to very serious and dangerous consequences like tumor or cancer cells.

But on the contrary, removing these diseases will automatically help to cure all of the diseases. Because no diseases can thrive in a body that is internally clean. This body of ours is a gift to us from mother nature. And all of us are going to return it to mother nature after some time. Till the time it is with us, it is our moral responsibility to keep it clean and to make sure it is bursting with health and energy, just the way it is designed by mother nature. Just imagine, you are filling diesel in a petrol engine car. Is it going to work? Obviously no. For that you first need to remove diesel from the fuel tank and then fill petrol in it. The same is the case with our body. It was designed to eat clean but we have accidentally fed it junk all this while. So the first step is to remove the accumulated toxins from the body.

Here we will discuss the step by step method to do the same.

Method 1: Fasting

The first step is to do a fast for 16 hours. We do understand that Intermittent fasting looks scary. But the natural healing power, which will detox your body, enhance your health and help you lose weight is lying inside your body only. It is not in some medicine, drug or injections. We have living proof here. Whenever any of our bones is fractured, it is tied and supported by a plaster, so that it can get a stable plane and get some rest. When anchored in a proper position, the bone heals automatically. It is not that any medicine is infused in that plaster but the bone undergoes a natural healing. The force behind this curing is pran shakti or healing power. This pranic shakti is very powerful. If it can heal such a huge bone, why can’t it cure a cyst or a kidney stone. Why can’t it cure diabetes or high blood pressure or cholesterol? Of course it can. The pran shakti or the healing power doesn’t know what kind of a disease it is. These names and diseases are given by the doctors. When the pran shakti starts fixing diseases, it cures everything, wherever and however old the disease may be.

Now, let's try and understand the way Pran Shakti works.

The Pran Shakti can do only one thing at a time properly. It can either help in digesting the food or in healing. We don’t let Pran Shakti do its job properly. We keep on disturbing it by eating all the time. As soon as we eat something, the pran shakti will stop the healing process and start digesting stuff. Unfortunately we keep on eating all the time. For breakfast, we will have 2 toasts of bread. Before that is digested, we will have a bowl of rice for lunch. Soon after that we will have 2 chapatis for dinner. Pran Shakti will keep on doing digestion work 24 hrs a day 7 days a week without any time for healing. If you want the pran shakti to do healing, then you need to give it some break from digestion. For Pran Shakti to focus on healing, we need to start with intermittent fasting wherein we give a 16 hrs break between our dinner and our first solid meal in the day. For eg. if we have had our dinner at 8pm in the evening, we should have our first solid meal at 12 in the noon. Before noon we can have easily digestible liquids like water, coconut water and vegetable juices, but we should not consume fruit juices, tea or coffee or milk at any cost. This is not as difficult as it might sound, because out of those 16 hrs, we will be sleeping most of the time. The world around us has made fasting feel like something very abnormal or difficult, but it is not the case. Mother nature has already designed our bodies in such a way. Our ancestors did not have access to supermarkets, or they could not stock food for entire years and neither did they have refrigerators. Sometimes they could not even find food and used to stay completely hungry. Our body has been designed by mother nature in such a way and has adapted to fasting and evolved accordingly. What is abnormal is the fact that we keep on eating all the time. It is upon you to decide as to which 16 hrs you choose to do your fasting. It might be possible that you find it difficult to eat nothing till 12 in the noon but you are ok having your dinner / last meal in the day by 6 pm. In that case your intermittent fasting window will be from 6pm in the evening till 10 am in the morning. Similarly, if you are having a job or a business and you find it difficult to have your dinner before 9 in the evening, at least try and make sure that you do not consume anything solid before 1 pm in the noon. In case you find 16 hrs to be difficult in the beginning you can start with 14 hrs. It is highly possible that you might be doing 12 hrs of intermittent fasting currently also. Suppose you have your last meal at 8 pm and the next meal at 12 pm. If your meal was light, it will be digested by 2 am. So from 8 in the evening to 2 in the morning i.e 6 hours are your hours for digestion. Once digestion is completed, the Pran shakti starts healing. So your next 10 hrs will be your healing hours. During these 16 hrs, the Pran Shakti will repair tissues, removes scars from the skin, eliminates dead cells, removes kidney stones, removes kidney stones, breaks down cysts and fibroids, regulates hormones, cleans intestinal walls, breaks down the mucus in airways, removes cholesterol from arteries. During fasting, the Pran Shakti works in the depth of all the organs and removes the disease causing elements through stool, urine, through breath and sweat. It is suggested that your dinner should be a light meal like soup or salad. If you eat a heavy dinner like lentils, chapati or rice, then it will take very long for the pran shakti to digest food and it will get very less healing power. The following diet plan can help to make the healing process faster. 


If you are hungry in between, you can have coconut water or grated coconut. One thing which needs to be taken care of is to never overeat. Too much of a good thing is not that good. Don’t think that since I am eating healthy, I can eat as much as I want to. There should always be some space in your stomach before you leave the table. How quickly you are able to recover from a disease depends on how much healing hours you give to your body. If you are doing intermittent fasting for 16 hours in a day, then you are giving your body 112 healing hours in a week, 450 healing hours in a month and 1500 healing hours for 3 months. And 1500 hours are enough to cure any diseases like thyroid, blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol. If you are young, then it’s not such a huge problem because kids have even stronger and prominent pran shakti. You just need to make sure that you are eating clean. Following are some observations found from a documentary on importance of fasting and its impact on various diseases:

  • The documentary was a journey of people trying to reverse type 2 diabetes through fasting. It is very different from cutting down your calories. Fasting is 6 times better than calorie deficit for getting rid of the stubborn fat.
  • Its immediate impact was seen as healthy weight loss. People have lost as much as 7Kgs in a span of 9 days. Others seem to have lost 18 Kgs, 40 Kgs and much more, only to never gain it back.
  • Many others have reported that they can exercise much more during an empty stomach while fasting.
  • One of the patients in the documentary claims that she was taking 210 units of insulin but it has stopped, all thanks to fasting. 
  • One other patient was taking medicine for high Blood Pressure and cholesterol and after 2 weeks of fasting, her BP was found to be normal.
  • Fasting is found to be as effective as chemotherapy. One of the patients found that the lump in her body was constantly decreasing and ultimately it vanished.
  • There have also been incidents wherein, Thanks to fasting, one of the patients was cancer free for 21 years and still going on.

Every religion teaches us fasting, right from ekadashi to roza to good friday. Every science right from Ayurveda to Yoga to Naturopathy, teaches us this one science of fasting. If you don’t have to think about food till afternoon, you are much more productive and get more things done since you don’t have to think about food all the time. 

Method 2: Wet Pack

There can be some accumulated dirt in our blood and the best way to circulate and remove the same is a cold pack. To practice this detox method, take a white cotton cloth around 2.5 m long and 1m wide and fold it into a long strip of around 10 inches wide. Then dip into cold water (make sure to keep the temperature as per your comfort) and squeeze it to remove extra water. Then wrap this around your stomach and tuck it, in a way that your belly button is in the center. Then take one more strap around 2 inches wide and wrap it around your neck in a similar manner, dipped in cold water and properly squeezed. Also take one more such strap (dipped in cold water and squeezed) and tie it around your head. You can get this cloth from anywhere. You can wear your regular clothes on these straps and do any other work. You don't necessarily need to sit in one position. This can be done before or after meals as well, but make sure not to eat or drink anything while these straps are on. It is advisable to do this twice a day in summer during morning and evening. If not possible twice, do it at least once. But avoid this practice in winters. The body parts where straps are tied become cold and the rest of the body stays warm. When there are 2 different temperatures maintained in the body at the same time, it increases blood circulation also helping the dirt to detach from its space. This is a very good method to improve digestion. And the good news is it also helps with tummy fat reduction. It is a blessing for people with problems of indigestion, acidity, IBS, Ulcer. In case of any of these diseases, it is recommended to apply the wet pack on all the 3 spots. It is known to give instant relief in case of migraine and headache. It might look like something very ordinary and you might wonder as to how this can detox our body? But it is indeed magical. 

Method 3: Enema

Just because you are urinating everyday, doesn’t mean your body is clean. For example, suppose you are 30 years old. Have you ever seen the plumbing pipes of a 30 year old house? The pipes are so clogged that it is very difficult for any fluid to pass through it. Same is with our intestines. And they are collecting more dirt every day. So just like any vessel, whose bottom has collected loads of dirt, our intestine also needs cleansing in a way where the hard layer of accumulated dirt can be melted and eliminated. So how do we do it? Going back to the vessel example, if we fill it with sufficient amounts of water for a longer duration so that the dirt can be dissolved and eliminated. Given appropriate amounts of time, water can almost dissolve anything. 

We can go for the above detox option for our body also, with the help of a enema pot which can be found at any chemist shop or online and it is quite affordable. Thoroughly wash the enema pot 2-3 times and fill 200ml- 300ml clean water in enema pot. The best place to take enema is in your bathroom. Grease the tip of the pot with some coconut oil and place it on a shelf at a height from your waist. The level of the pot should be above the level of your butts. Then gently insert the pipe in your rectum and hold it lightly with one hand so that it doesn’t fall down. The water will then shortly move from enema pot to your intestine. Then remove the pipe and hold the water inside for 10 mins. You can walk around for 10 mins. Lightly massage your stomach so that the dirt will start detaching from intestinal walls. Then when you feel the pressure to urinate, you may do so and you will be surprised to see the amount of toxins accumulated in your body which are coming out.It's completely safe and natural. What is unsafe is the fact that we carry these toxins with us all the time, everyday. This process might sound gross at first, but once you have done it, it looks and feels completely normal. Well, we don’t say that yucks my teeth are so dirty, why should I clean them? Then why say so about our intestines? This exercise is best done on an empty stomach in the morning after defecation. If not possible in the morning, you can do it anytime during the day, but make sure there is a gap of 2-3 hrs between enema and the meal you are taking. 

If you are getting started with this habit today, you can do it once daily for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, you can take it once in a week or as per the requirements. Don’t worry, you won’t become dependent on it for your motions. If you have any minor ailments like cough, cold, fever, vomiting etc. take it 2-3 times in a day. 

So by now you know how to remove toxins. For maximum results, it is advisable to practice all the 3 methods together.

As a health-conscious individual, I enjoy starting my day with Surya Namaskar and end it with a good book. I enjoy exploring trendy & traditional practices to find balance in my life, and share my favorite tips on this blog based on personal experience and research. Please note that while my tips can be helpful, they are not a substitute for professional advice. If you have concerns, please consult a professional.

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