The Nature's Law of Food and a Miraculous Diet Plan to Cure any Disease

Diet Plan to Cure any Disease


If I tell you that the following diet plan can cure any disease from its root cause will you believe me? Whether you are having High Blood Pressure, Thyroid, PCOD, Joint pain, Migraine, Cervical or any other disease it can be cured. If you correct your daily diet and follow this recommended diet 100% religiously for 3 months, your blood tests will give negative results for any disease. You might not believe me. You will surely think, what is the correlation between diseases and my food? Disease can be cured with medicines only, not with food. But in today’s time, millions of people across the world are curing the biggest of their diseases only by changing their diet and lifestyle rather than medication. But more than diet, it is important to remove the toxins and undigested food from our intestines because the body, which is internally clean, can never be a house for any disease. One more of our article on this blog discusses the methods to detox the body. You can check them out here.

Before diving into the menu of breakfast, lunch and dinner, we need to understand the 4  rules of prakritik (natural) food.

Rule 1: Eat Living Food

By living food, we mean the food which has life. For example if we sow any grain or lentil seed in the soil and water it regularly, in a few days it will crop out into a tiny seedling. But if you sow some biscuit or noodles in the soil, do you think any kind of wheat or pulse plant can grow out of it? Certainly not, because it does not have any life at all and hence it cannot give any life either. All of your pizza, pasta, biscuits, cereals, ketchup, chips, cold drinks are all dead food. And how can any dead food bring any life into our body? On the other hand fruits, vegetables, sprouts, grains, nuts are all living foods and when they enter our body, they bring lives within us, increase our age span, eliminate diseases and toxins from the body. In Yogic culture it is said that with respect to cooked food, the food should be consumed within 3 hours of cooking. After 3 hours, it becomes Tamsik and the life out of it starts diminishing. That’s why in Yogic culture, if any cooked food like rice, chapati or vegetables are kept beyond 3 hours, the Yogis do not eat them. Our ancestors also used to follow this practice. They used to cook food on the stove and then it directly came to their plates. But for now we make vegetable curries and store it in the fridge for days together. We take some out of it, eat to our satiety and then put it back in the fridge again.In this way, we are eating stale lifeless food and inviting cancer. If something is cooked on fire, we should consume it  within 3 hours and maximum within 5 hours. Now, the question is, why should this rule of 3 hours be applicable only to vegetables, lentils and grains? What about packaged food? Forget about  3 hours, they have been cooked for maybe 3 weeks or even 3 years. Post which, they are packed in packets, bottles or cans and are loaded with loads of chemicals and preservatives so that they don’t look and smell old and stale. These chemicals definitely increase the shelf life of these food articles, but decrease the shelf life of human bodies. If we think deeply, we will realize that these packaged materials can not be called food by any means. They are merely some products manufactured by companies, who want to earn profits, just like any other business. Because they are dead inside and they have no pran shakti as such. 

So rule number 1 is to eat living food, which has prana in it. Never eat anything that is closed in tin, can, packets made in factories. These products have no life at all.We should consume food that comes directly from mother nature like fruits, vegetables, dried nuts, sprouts, cereals.Once we start doing this we will automatically be under the care and nurture of mother nature. Instead of eating biscuits, have some pieces of coconut. Instead of opening a can of soda, go ahead with some coconut water. Ditch your packaged processed  snacks and opt for a plate of fresh fruits or salad instead.

Rule 2: Eat Wholesome Food

There is a reason as to why things are designed around us, the way they are by mother nature. It’s not a mistake that mother nature has gifted us with dates hanging on trees and not sugar. That we get potatoes and not potato chips. It is not a coincidence that we get coconut and not coconut oil. The food that we directly get from mother earth is wholesome and complete in itself. There is nothing extracted out of this food.Mother nature has done lots of planning. She has kept proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other vital nutrients and vitamins in fixed proportions so that it is easy to digest and eliminate. If we squeeze out only fats from it or remove any of its  layers it’s basic structure will be completely destroyed. So instead of white rice, eat brown rice. Brown rice is wholesome and complete in itself. If we remove the outer bran of rice, then it is converted to white rice. The part which is responsible for digestion is removed in the bran which we conveniently throw away and what remains is the white rice. Eating white rice is as good as eating mango seed and throwing away the mango pulp. Instead of sugar, pick up jaggery or dates. They are more wholesome in nature while sugar is fragmented. Instead of coconut oil, use grated coconut in your food. Ideally while eating wheat, always eat it with the chokar. Don’t sieve the wheat flour before making chapatis. Get your flour milled yourself instead of relying on ready to use flours.

Rule 3: Eat Plant Based Food

Eat food that comes from plants and not animals. One should not consume meat, fish or eggs at all. Mother nature has not at all designed our body to eat meat, fish or eggs.Your next question might be, what about milk and dairy products? The milk that we get directly from the desi cows is very good for health. But the ones that we get today in tetra packs and packages is not milk in the first place. It’s a harmful mix of urea, milk powder and some other dangerous chemicals. Do you know, that the World Health Organization has warned the Indian  Government that the milk today we get is so adulterated and dangerous for our health, that if we keep on consuming that milk till 2025, there is a high possibility that upto 87% of the Indians will suffer from cancer. Now you may ask, that the milk that I get at my home is completely pure and comes from my own cow shelter. Then can I consume the same? The answer unfortunately is no, because in case you are someone who is doing a desk job the complete day, or you want to get rid of your diseases and lose weight, then pure milk is also a very heavy  meal to digest.  Kids who are in the growing phase of their life or athletes who play under the sun for a good 4-5 hrs of period can digest this milk, but for the current lifestyle trend which has limited mobility and is very sedentary in nature, it is very difficult for us to digest the cow milk. And if milk is a no no then milk products are also a no no. However, the good news is, coconut milk is a good replacement option available which can provide the proteins, calcium and all the other nutrients that you can anyways get from the cow milk, but the best part is, it is easily digestible by the body. Coconut is one of the best foods on earth. Our ancestors used to call it “ Shree Phal” in Sanskrit. Our ancestors very smartly used it in all the ceremonies and occasions in India right from childbirth, marriages and many more so that it can reach each and every household for consumption which we might not have done otherwise. You should make your own coconut milk and not buy packaged ones because they have a lot of preservatives and chemicals. 

Rule 4: Eat Water Rich Food

There are 2 types of food- water rich (Having sufficient water quantity) and water poor. Water rich food includes fruits like watermelon, grapes and papaya. Vegetables like tomato, cucumber, bottle gourd, green leafy vegetables. Classic examples of water poor food are grains, rice, wheat, chapatis, lentils, starchy vegetables like potato etc. The water rich food when put in a juicer will give out a lot of water content. Our bodies are made of 70% water and 30% from other elements like bones, muscles and other components. So naturally, the food we consume should be naturally 70% water rich and 30% other elements. But it is rather the opposite. 70% of the time we are eating water poor food like grains, cereals etc. and only about 30% of the cases we are eating water rich foods. This is the reason our body finds it very difficult to digest the food we eat and we end up getting so many diseases.

The Diet Part discussed at the beginning of the article is as follows:

The Diet is divided into 5 main components

  1. Morning detox juice (8 am)
  2. Breakfast (10 am)
  3. Lunch (1 pm)
  4. Mid meal (4 pm)
  5. Dinner (7 pm)

You can adjust your time according to your individual preferences. 

  1. Morning Detox Juice

You can start your day with this detox juice of ash gourd by having it in some time of waking up. (Roughly 9 am). Make sure you maintain a fasting window of 16 hours  i.e. if your last meal was at 7 pm in the evening, do not consume any solid food  till 11 am in the morning, the next day. The detox juice from ash gourd has intrinsic cleansing properties. After entering the intestine, it pulls all the dirt and toxins and blends them in itself just like a magnet pulling some iron. When the ash gourd juice leaves the intestines, it carries the dirt and toxins with itself and flushes it out. To make the juice take some ash gourd. Remove its peels and also remove the seeds and make a juice out of it in a juicer. In case a juicer is not available you can also crush it in a mixture grinder and strain it. Take approximately 300 ml of juice and do not add any extra salt, black pepper or lemon in it. And not to worry, it does not taste bitter.In case Ash gourd is not available, don’t worry, you can have coconut water instead. In the absence of coconut water, you can have juice from any vegetables like bottle gourd, ghiya or celery. And do not eat anything for 2hours, post having this juice.

  1. Breakfast

For morning breakfast you can have a plate full of seasonal vegetables like watermelon, grapes, pear, papaya, apple etc. The fruit should be preferably water rich and hence avoid banana.It is advisable to have one single fruit at a time instead of multiple fruits. Try and eat fruits that are seasonal and local to your country. Seasonal fruits are generally affordable too. You can also add grated coconut on the top, if you wish to.

  1. Lunch

You can have grains for your lunch at around 2 in the noon which can be chapati and vegetables curry. To make digesting chapati even easier, there is an alternate option of making vegetable chapati. Herein the chapati is not completely made from wheat flour but you can take 50% of wheat flour than your normal quantity and then add another 50% of vegetables like spinach, carrot, beetroot, bottle gourd or any water rich vegetable of your choice. In this case, even if you are consuming  2 chapatis, the wheat you will consume will be only one chapati. 

The method to make the vegetable curry will also be different in a satvic manner wherein instead of oil, grated coconut can be used and instead of spices, fresh herbs are used. This makes the vegetable curry very easy to digest. You need to make sure that the number of bowls of vegetable curry that you are consuming is double the number of chapatis you eat. For eg. If you are eating 1 chapati, you need to eat 2 bowls of vegetable curry. The roti in itself is very difficult to digest, but when taken with sabzi, makes it easier to digest. Similarly if you wish to, you can replace roti with brown rice and have it with sabzi twice in a week. Do not consume chole, rajma or lentils at least till you are completely fine and have achieved the desired weight. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with Rajma, Chola or Lentils but our modern lifestyle wherein we are sitting and working in front of our screens for 8 hours in a day and not working out even for an hr, it is very difficult to digest this food.  On the other hand our ancestors were doing physically hard work for 6-8 hrs in a day in scorching heat and hence could easily digest this food. Since we are living a modern lifestyle and eating ancestral food, we are unable to digest it completely and hence fall sick most of the time.

  1. Mid Meal

Now you may feel like having a mid meal in the middle of your lunch and dinner. In that case you can again have ash gourd juice or coconut water. Please do not take any biscuits, snacks, namkeens at any cost. If you feel hungry even after having juice, then you can eat a few pieces of coconut or some light fruit. Many people are habituated to having tea or coffee in the afternoon. In that case you can have some home made herbal tea, but please do not have any packaged green tea or any other tea.

  1. Dinner

For dinner, you can have salad or soup. While having salad, you should have completely raw seasonal vegetables like cucumber, carrot, coriander, beet root, lettuce etc. You can add a homemade nut dressing of your choice but never add any grains or rajma, chole or any such solid ingredient. You can also have some soup of your choice with your salad. The soup should not have any oil, grain or milk in it and it should be minimally cooked. 

When you have only soup or salad for your dinner you are going to feel extremely light weight. And when you see the numbers on your weighing scale going down while shedding unnecessary extra weight and when you see your readings for blood sugars, blood pressure and other diseases gradually coming to normal, honestly you will not even feel like going back to your old path. So, when you are eating grains once a day, salad once in a day and fruits once in a day, you are naturally bound to see your digestion improve, and feel better. This diet is recommended for people who are trying to lose weight and eliminate diseases from root.This  can also work for people who are already fit and trying to maintain weight. However this diet is not recommended for children or athletes who are physically fit and active for 5-6 hrs in a day. Since they are so active physically, they can easily digest the food.

We highly recommend trying this diet and keep the above rules for food in your mind while eating and you will thank  us later.

As a health-conscious individual, I enjoy starting my day with Surya Namaskar and end it with a good book. I enjoy exploring trendy & traditional practices to find balance in my life, and share my favorite tips on this blog based on personal experience and research. Please note that while my tips can be helpful, they are not a substitute for professional advice. If you have concerns, please consult a professional.

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